Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Lip Sync

Placed on the couch was her reason for goodbye and her breaking heart. Placed infront of it, was the angel that sung her pain. Lets take deep breaths, put on a brave smile, and place our time in the Lords hands. Send a tearful prayer to the sky, cover our eyes for just a moment. Long enough to reflect on yesterdays. Move lips in motion with the song. what more can she do so he knows what he means? She's spent time on her knees, yelling her confused, unwilling sorrow. she's gone through the phases. Now she knows, this is just how it has to be. but what does that change? i don't think it could. hold on tight while you can, then be brave young girl, and know this goodbye, is just an 'I'll be seeing you'. and then you have to move on.

"And I'm gonna be, somewhat lonely. Cuz you know no one could ever fill your shoes. As iron sharpens iron, you have taught me how to be a stronger man, and I look forward to the day I learn again."

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