Thursday, July 21, 2011


In the background of my mind you are always patiently waiting
Keeping tabs on my happiness... making sure I'm not overly comfortable
Watching every word written, hearing every whisper said
Every passing kiss and fleeting hope that love exists

Quietly waiting, peeking out from the shadowy corner you've used to conceal yourself
Hiding so patiently, expecting me to let my guard down and believe, for but a moment
Maybe I could be special

Keeping track of the ones that I'm so quickly discarded for
Counting the moments spent or planned with others, forsaking the time we've spent
Smiling, always smiling to do my duty as the strong one... the strong one
In the back of my mind you are always patiently waiting

Waiting for me to think that someday there could be more
Watching to see how I react to the abomination you're allowing yourself to become
Until one day, one disappointing day in my mind
You will be patiently waiting no more.