Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Oh the agony!

So I've been going back and forth, and forth and back and looking for things to do this summer and ways to keep myself and the kids busy (but not TOO BUSY, because we all know I'm lazy.) On thing I've been thinking I might do is... add some recipes that I like on my blog. Yes, I'd like to share in my superbness with you. :) But seriously, I like yummy, EASY dinners. Well, and lunchs... and breakfasts... but not desserts, if you'd looking for easy desserts, ask Sarah Lee!

The first of which I tried yesterday, it was one that I'd gotten from someone and decided to add my own twist to. You'll find that I can RARELY stick to the instructions, it's the rebel in me! Anywho, if I find something that's actually good and didn't take me all night to make, I'm planning to share here. Also, if you have a recipe that you'd like me to try (I mean a 30 mins MAX as far as time invested please!) then feel free to email it to me at: NatashaHeartBoston@gmail.com and I'll try it out and maybe post it here as well!

Here is the recipe and directions for what I made for dinner last night, Aaron said it was really good, of course he's 31, never been married, and lives alone. So maybe you'd better judge for yourself!

Spicy Sausage Penne

Ingredients List!

3 Cups Penne- I prefer whole wheat, it's better for you and is oh so yummy

1 pound Italian Sausage- I prefer Italian Turkey Sausage, it's better for you and also oh so yummy... but it's also cheaper! Woot!

1 each- red and green bell peppers. Cut off the top and bottom, pull out the seeds and cut off the lighter parts (which I'm sure are edible but I don't like because they're like whiteish tinted) and then slice the walls of the peppers thinly. Maybe 1/4 inch thickness.

1 jar of spaghetti sauce- of course I have a preference here as well :) I like to use Bertolli's Arrabbiata OR Classico Spicy Tomato and Basil. But I SUPPOSE anything will work. Also- I tend to only need 3/4 of the jar, so make sure you're mixing as you go when you add this and not just dumping!

1 teaspoon fennel seed (don't not add this just cuz it's only a teaspoon... it adds great flavor!)

"Dash" of crushed red pepper and (optional) curry. For me, a dash is pretty much what you add when you put salt and pepper on things. I

'm not sure if that's the universal definition of a dash, but it's mine, and this is my blog. So there.

4 ounces of cream cheese. I usually just buy 1/3 fat or fat free... why add extra calories we don't need, right? Cube this (as best as you can "cube" cream cheese.) Sometimes I just use my knife and pull off little peices and scrape it into the skillet, because well, I'm lazy and that's easier!

Shredded Parmesan Cheese


1. Cook pasta per directions. Add about 2 teaspoons of salt while boiling and maybe a tablespoon or so of olive oil after it's drained to keep it from sticking.

2. While pasta is boiling- brown your sausage... the same way you do ground beef. :) Drain. If you used turkey like I suggested, you probably get to skip this step! Yay for non-greasy food! When that's done, put sausage back into the skillet and add in your strips of peppers; cook for about 5 additional mins, until they're kinda soft and floppy. Then, add the next three ingredients and cooked 5 mins or until heated thoroughly. Finally, add in the cubed cream cheese, stirring frequently so it doesn't burn. You want to just melt it, and then remove the skillet from the heat.

3. You may choose to either fold the sausage mixture into the penne, or you can do as I do and put the penne onto a plate first and top it with the sausage mix. I prefer this because in the event there are any leftovers, I like to heat my pasta seperate so that it doesn't get hard.

Super duper easy- takes maybe 30 mins!! :)